2021.08.24 看護学科
【国際交流】日泰米の4大学がOnline Academic Exchange Programを行いました。
2021年8月10日(水)~8月11日(木) の2日間、タマサート大学(タイ)、イリノイ大学シカゴ校(アメリカ)、順天堂大学、本学の4校がオンラインで交流しました。参加者はタマサート大学から学生11名と教員8名、イリノイ大学から学生2名、順天堂大学から学生6名と教員2名、本学からは看護学科学生3名、医療情報学科学生1名、薬学科学生3名、看護学科教員3名、国際交流センター長とスタッフ2名の合計42名でした。
プログラムは、1日目が①大学紹介、②文化交流、③タマサート大学病院の紹介、2日目が①日本におけるCOVID-19の感染状況や予防対策、職域ワクチン接種について本学教員によるレクチャー、②コロナ禍における大学での学習や日常生活に関する情報交換、③Thai Traditional Medical Centerの紹介、④学生による innovation projectsの発表ととても充実した内容でした。
各プログラムにおけるプレゼンテーションとディスカッションにより、お互いの状況について共有しました。コロナ禍における大学での学習については、各大学が感染拡大を防ぎつつ効果的に学習できるよう工夫していることが分かりました。コロナ禍の中、学生がそれぞれの目標に向け真摯に学び続けている姿に感動しました。学生による innovation projectsでは、本学看護学科の学生が成人看護学実習(慢性期)で、受け持ち患者さんの食事指導に活用したパンフレットについて発表しました。発表した学生からは、「タイの方にも褒めていただけたので、学んだことは世界にも通用するのだということがわかりました。次に参加する機会があれば、さらに英語力を高めてお互いの知識や学びを共有し合えるといいなと思いました。」と学習の成果と今後の抱負について語ってくれました。
An Academic online exchange program was held from August 10th and 11th 2021.
Four universities (one in Thailand, one in the United States, and two in Japan) conducted an online academic exchange program on the 10th and 11th of this month. A total of 42 people took part in it—eleven students and eight faculty members from Thammasat University (Thailand); two students from the University of Illinois Chicago (USA); six students and two faculty members from Juntendo University; and seven students (including three nursing students), three faculty members, and the director and two staff of the Center of International Affairs department from our university.
On the first day the program consisted of (1) a presentation of the universities, (2) cultural exchange, and (3) a presentation of Thammasat University Hospital. On the second day it included (1) a lecture by some of our faculty about the COVID-19 situation, COVID-19 vaccinations in Japan, and hand washing as a preventive measure; (2)presentation and discussion by students about studying and daily life at the university during the COVID-19 pandemic; (3) a presentation of the Thai Traditional Medical Center; (4) a presentation of the Promotion Health Center and the Nursing Research and Innovation Center; and (5) a presentation by some students of various innovative projects that had been undertaken.
The presentations and discussions in each program gave us an opportunity to share our situations with each other. We learned that each university is making efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and to provide effective learning opportunities.
I was impressed to see that even in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic the students were continuing to study diligently in order to achieve their goals. During the section dedicated to the innovative projects, a student from our nursing department presented a pamphlet that she’d used to provide dietary guidance to a simulated patient (encouraging the person to reduce salt intake) in her adult nursing practice.
The student who gave the presentation said, “I was praised by the students from Thailand, and that made me realize that what I’ve learned is applicable to the world. If I have another chance to do something like this, I hope I can improve my English even more and share my knowledge and learning with others.” She talked about the results of her study and her aspirations. The Thai students wrote in the questionnaire that they hoped COVID-19 would end and that they’d be able to meet our students in person soon.
Interacting with a diverse group of individuals gives people the opportunity to “broaden their horizons,” ” reflect on their actions and gain confidence in them, discover challenges,” and” motivate themselves to continue learning in the future,” and lead to participant’s growth.
We are going to continue to hold online events.
Department of Nursing,
International Exchange Committee